Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cedar Point snaps

Some snapshots from the super, awesome fun Cedar Point trip!

Brad on day 1, ready to take on the park! that is the super scary Top Thrill Dragster in the background that you saw in the video below
Brad is all smiles after his first ride of the day - on the new Maverick roller coaster
(no clue what all those other people are looking at!)
you can't really tell, but that's Brad in the third row, enjoying his ride on Millennium Force

Christina poses outside her first ride of the day - the non-scary, old and rickety,
Iron Dragon coaster
Brad's traditional Cedar Point snack of cheese fries...
ferris wheel!!! (much less scarier than the one in Chicago!)

ready to take on the park on day 2
riding the carousel

hey! who is this guy? Brad's brother Brian drove down from Detroit to hang out with us for the day on Sunday. this is them, ready to ride the Mean Streak
isn't he the sweetest thing?
smiling on the outside, but crying on the inside as we leave the park for the last time

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