Wednesday, July 28, 2010

list 22 - things I love about Brad

He makes these really crazy faces all the time. It's ridiculously cute.

He has the kindest soul... he literally is the nicest person you'll ever meet. No, I mean it. Every time he meets someone new, they always say "He is SO nice!"

He grills a mean turkey burger.

He carries my camera bag & regular bag & purse & jacket & anything else.

He lets me buy discounted books, even though we have two eight foot bookcases full of them.

He is really smart.

He looks extremely sharp in a suit and tie.

He carries the groceries.

He always encourages me when I don't want to go to the gym... but do anyway.

He listens to my crazy dreams & even lets me follow through on some of them.

He always says "I love you" when we hang up the phone, even if we've only talked for a moment.

He still considers me his bride, three years later.

He has a knack for taking photos of me taking photos.

He buys me flowers.

He rubs my feet.

He has no problem spending a Friday evening watching DVR'd TV & eating take out thai.

He loves me for who I am.


Dad said...

I may vomit. But I am smiling.

Callie said...

I love this list! Yay for husbands who give foot rubs!