Friday, November 13, 2009

Five for Friday

1. I'm bad. I blogged so much last week and then this week? Nodda. I think my New Year's resolution will be to be a better blogger (how many "b" words can you fit in one sentence? seriously.)

2. Holiday commercials have started already. This makes me want to puke, as I am distinctly anti-Christina until after Thanksgiving. Preferably not until the first week of December. But then I saw this Walmart commercial the other day, my heart melted and the tears started. I am a sucker for anything military, thanks to my brother who is serving overseas, and this one is just perfect.

3. Speaking of military, Wednesday was Veterans Day. SO a big shout out, and a big THANK YOU, to all our nation's military, both active duty and veterans. You give up so much to make us free. Special shout outs to my brother, whose serving in the Air Force in South Korea, and my grandfather, who served in Korea.

4. Last week's "five for Friday" was fun, with the Muppets, wasn't it? Since this week we honored Veterans, thought I'd share this clip, which was floating around Facebook and my office this week and I think is absolutely hilarious.

5. The weather here is horrid. Horrid. Nor'easter my friends. But instead of snow we have rain. And wind. And 45 degree high temperatures. For four days straight now. Super.

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