Thursday, November 5, 2009

Autumn leaves

It would come as no surprise to anyone who knows me that I love fall. I love everything about fall - the leaves, the pumpkin-flavored everything, the crisp cool days, the sweaters - everything. It is one of the things I missed most when I lived in Florida, and I think most Floridians who have lived elsewhere would tell you the same thing.

So imagine my delight when we dropped out of the clouds as our plane was landing in Seattle and there were beautiful, rolling hills of multi-colored leaves as far as the eye can see. I believe I actually squeeled outloud "Look at the pretty leaves!" (I'm sure to the amusement of those sitting around me). I tried not to be too obsessive about taking pictures of trees and leaves while we were walking around, but honestly, it was hard.

the whole side of this building was covered in leaves!
aren't the reflections in the water of Lake Union beautiful?
ferry-ing into Bainbridge Island
the glass archways of Pioneer Square were covered in fallen leaves

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