Thursday, August 21, 2008

Man, I love him

Ain't he cute?!

(all photos taken last night at dinner as we sat outside on a patio, sipping beverages and enjoying the amazing weather which has taken over our city the last few weeks)

Monday, August 18, 2008


We're all moved! The new place is an absolute disaster and poor Brad. Poooooor Brad. I am leaving him in our messy, messy, unorganized apartment because I'm headed to Austin, Texas for work later this afternoon. Luckily, I will be back tomorrow night, so, unless he gets hurried in the clutter, I can help set up. We love the new space though. There is soo much more room, especially in the kitchen cupboards (we went from two usable cupboards to like five!). I can't wait to get it all set up, so I can post some pictures. In the mean time...

only about half our books, piled two and three stacks deep on top of our desk
the only semi-organized room! ;) LOVE our new bed

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Forgotten photos, Part II

In mid-July, Brad and I went to see one of our favorite country artists, Brad Paisley, in concert. Despite the fact that this was our third year in a row seeing him, he did not disappoint and put on a great show! We sat on the lawn, enjoyed our Subway and a beer and had a great evening.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Post of Forgotten Photos, Part I

I have discovered the downside of having two cameras (my Nikon D40 that I use for "photography" and my Cannon SD1000, my point and shoot (aka P&S) that I love, but tend to use for snap shots... and yes, I realize I'm using conflicting brands, but I believe Cannon's P&S's are way better than Nikons!): I was going through my P&S this weekend and found all these old pictures! So, for your enjoyment, here are some pictures from when my Dad was in town the first week of July...

On Saturday, we went on tour of the Kennedy Center. It was really interesting - and free! Definitely worth checking out if you have some extra time while you're in D.C.
There are two main entrance halls to the Kennedy Center theaters: the Hall of States and the Hall of Nations. Below is the Hall of Nations, which features a flag from every country around the world that the U.S. has diplomatic relations with. The blue and yellow one with the pitch-fork looking thing in the middle is the Barbados flag!
The Great Hall
Presidential Box in the Concert Hall
Presidential Box in the Opera House
Beautiful chandelier in the Opera House

On Thursday, we went to watch the Nationals lose yet another game... at least the stadium is super nice and the tickets are cheap!

Dad with Mr. Running President himself, TR (the only running president, BTW, which has never won... check it out:

Stay Tuned: Part II will feature pictures from the Brad Paisley concert we went to in the middle of June!